

Teff is a type of grain similar in size to a poppy seed, and has a mild, nutty flavor. Teff is a gluten-free grain and is rich in protein, fiber, iron, and other nutrients.

SKU: PCGF032 Category:

How To Use

In Ethiopia, teff is a staple food and is used to make injera, a sourdough flatbread that is a central part of the country’s cuisine. Teff can also be used to make porridge, bread, and other baked goods.

Teff has gained popularity in recent years as a health food due to its high nutritional content and gluten-free status.
It can be found in many health food stores and can be prepared and consumed as a whole grain or ground into flour and added to baked goods, breads, pastas

Who buys this product?

Businesses that may buy teff in wholesale quantities include:

Food manufacturers: Companies that make gluten-free products or health foods may use teff as an ingredient in their products.

Bakeries: Bakeries that specialize in gluten-free or health-conscious baked goods may use teff flour in their recipes.

Restaurants: Restaurants that serve Ethiopian or Eritrean cuisine may use teff to make injera or other traditional dishes.

Bulk food stores: Stores that sell bulk grains and other ingredients may offer teff to their customers.

Distributors: Wholesale distributors that supply health food stores, grocery stores, and other retailers may purchase teff in bulk quantities to supply their customers.