
From Our Farms

From Our Farms To Your Fork

Our supply chain revolves around our farmers, who are the backbone of our business. With our own farms in India and a farmer collective, we ensure that the best quality seeds are used and safe and regenerative farming practices are followed throughout the growing & harvesting process.

Our rigorous processing and packaging methods are designed to bring premium organic food ingredients to Australian food manufacturers and suppliers which we are delighted to supply to commercial food businesses of all sizes, customising order quantities to fit your requirements.

Contact Us

To learn more about our products and services, please contact us at / + 61 403 974 953

organic wholesale process

How We Are Making A Difference

The demand for raw organic ingredients to be used across many industries and this includes food production, is growing at a huge rate. Many of our products are sourced ensuring that sustainable and profitable farming communities is vital.

Why is this important?

The ever rising demand for fresh herbs and spices from the entire world for fresh produce has resulted in many plants becoming scarce in the wild. Or land clearing forests to grow crops.
The land that is cleared is often unsuitable for cropping and within a few years the land is unusable and the world has lost valuable forests.

Alinta foods is working with small farmers to get them set up and equipped to grow the herbs and spices that are in demand and create new fair trading relationships.